Custom abutments designed with the final tooth in mind

Creating the perfect custom abutment requires skill, care and dedication to quality. Infinity Digilab’s implant technicians understand the natural tooth root emergence profiles and can provide a highly accurate and esthetic abutment. These quality products are available in zirconia or titanium. Infinity Digilab’s site specific custom abutments can help you increase patient satisfaction in fewer visits, with less time and effort from you!

Why choose a Titanium Custom Abutment?


Why choose a Hybrid CAD Form Custom Abutment?


Why choose a Zirconia CAD Form Custom Abutment?


CAD Form Custom Abutment Design

At Infinity DigiLab All Custom Titanium abutments are designed to accommodate the form of the soft tissue and the final restoration. Infinity DigiLab uses the most up to date comprehensive CAD software form 3Shape to scan and design your custom abutments. Our designers have decades of experience designing and or fabricating both implant supported restorations and custom abutments.
Abutment CAD-design